“Netflix and Chill”


This summer I binge watched several TV series, “The Marvel Mrs. Maisel” and “Dead to Me”.  Staying up late when the days are long and it’s not a “school night” just feels right even if you’ve been out of school for decades.  Last summer I caught up on a couple of appropriate summer-titled shows “Californication” and “Boardwalk Empire.”  I’m a late binger who didn’t participate in the “Game of Thrones” water cooler discussions but hey check back with me in August 2031 or so.  On the recommendation of a friend, the same one who recommended “Queer As Folk” and “Girls,” I started watching “Mad Men.”  It was the perfect follow up to “Mrs. Maisel” since they are both set in the same time period.  I fell madly in love with not just Jon Hamm as Don Draper but every single thing about the show.  The characters, the costumes, the set, the office politics, the creative element and of course the storyline. But I wish someone would have warned me about the hazards to my health.  I mean it can’t be that healthy to get such little amounts of sleep night after night or to be completely obsessed with what might happen next or to procrastinate doing chores because it’ll cut into your tv time.  However, I must admit I feel way happier watching fictional “mad men” than the real ones on the nightly news.  Recently I had fallen back into my habit of watching hours and hours of news which is definitely not good for your mental or emotional health.  But with Labor Day approaching to someone who’s been out of school for decades, the “back to school” season is here and with that comes routine and organization.  Although I’m only into the 4th out of 7 seasons, I’m making a promise to myself to get back to a reasonable  “school night” bedtime which includes washing and moisturizing my face, brushing my teeth (yeah some of the things that fell victim to the dog days of summer), getting my chores done, getting back to reading, writing and working on my side business decluttering, organizing and consignment.  Here’s to another great summer!